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Canine Chiropractic at Giulia’s Chiropractic

Giulia adjusting dogYou may be wondering why dogs could possibly need chiropractic care. Well, they have spines just like people. When there’s misalignment in your canine’s spine, they can experience pain and be unable to communicate that. Dog chiropractic is a holistic, completely natural approach to addressing various joint, muscular and skeletal problems that are commonly seen in some dogs and particular breeds.

Our chiropractor Giulia loves dogs and is passionate about helping them to enjoy optimal function and health.

When to Bring Your Dog in

Here are some things to look for that can indicate that your dog is subluxated or in pain:

  • Do they refuse to do certain movements such as jump up on the sofa or into the car?
  • Do they lack interest in playing?
  • Are they unable to go very far on their walks?
  • Do they not like to be touched?
  • Does your dog spend a lot of time just lying around versus being active?

Here are some of the different issues for which patients seek care for their dog:

  • Hip dysplasia
  • Recovery following hip or knee surgery
  • Elbow and shoulder problems
  • Back problems

  • Tightness in the neck
  • Repetitive use injuries
  • Osteoarthritis

Because pets are welcome in our building, you can bring your dog in for care. Giulia will greet your animal and perform an evaluation. She can determine where your dog may be having an issue and then perform a gentle and specific adjustment.

There are times when Giulia will treat dogs in their homes as long as they don’t live too far from our practice.

Is chiropractic care a substitute for veterinary care?

No, however, if your dog hasn’t responded well to medications or had negative side effects from them, canine chiropractic may be beneficial.
When will my dog experience improvements?

It depends on their particular condition or injury. After your dog’s first adjustment it may take several days for your dog’s body to heal itself. Other dogs may require a couple of sessions to several months of treatments.
Does pet insurance cover chiropractic?

Some insurances cover dogs for a certain amount of complementary treatments so check with your pet insurance carrier to find out if yours is included!

Book an Appointment

If your pup is in pain we want to help. Schedule an appointment with our Wantage chiropractor at Giulia’s Chiropractic!

Canine Chiropractor Wantage UK | +44 7790 022863